Bursitis of the Shoulder

Causes and Treatment

Understanding Shoulder Bursitis: Causes, Symptoms, and Recovery

What is Shoulder Bursitis?

Shoulder bursitis, also known as subacromial/subdeltoid bursitis, is a painful condition that limits shoulder mobility and causes discomfort. This condition arises from the inflammation of a bursa – a small, fluid-filled sac that minimizes friction between bones and surrounding soft tissue. Frequently associated with shoulder impingement, a dysfunction involving the glenohumeral joint and the scapula, shoulder bursitis requires specialized care for effective treatment.

Symptoms of Subacromial Bursitis:

  • Pain at the tip of the shoulder
  • Occasional radiating pain into the upper arm
  • Painful arc of movement, especially during reaching or lateral motion
  • Minimal pain when the arm is at rest by your side
  • Discomfort during activities like reaching high, washing hair, or putting on a bra

What Causes Pain in Shoulder Bursitis?

The pain associated with bursitis results from the inflammation, irritation, and sensitization of the shoulder bursae. This inflammation may stem from repetitive minor trauma or a significant injury such as a fall or sports-related incident. Additionally, reactive muscle spasm in surrounding shoulder muscles, including the rotator cuff muscles and others, can contribute to shoulder pain in bursitis.

Recovery from Bursitis:

Most individuals experience significant recovery within 6-8 weeks by following a guided exercise program and adhering to activity modification advice provided by a physiotherapist or doctor. For some, medical management, including oral anti-inflammatory medications or cortisone injections, may be necessary. In rare cases, surgery might be recommended to decompress the subacromial space, especially if anatomical variations are detected through an x-ray.

Fixing Shoulder Bursitis:

Treatment for shoulder bursitis is comprehensive, addressing activities and movements that contribute to bursa irritation. Your physiotherapist will assess your shoulder, neck, and upper back movements, muscle strength, and tightness to create a tailored treatment plan. This plan typically involves a combination of massage, stretches, and motor control exercises targeting the underlying causes of your bursitis.

Supporting Your Recovery:

To enhance your recovery, it’s crucial to limit activities that exacerbate shoulder bursitis, including taking breaks from sports or gym exercises that trigger discomfort. Consistency with prescribed exercises and stretches is key, as research suggests it takes up to 6 weeks for muscles to adapt to a new exercise program. Even if immediate changes aren’t apparent, persistence with exercises promises long-term benefits.

Trust ProActive Life Physio to guide you through a personalized recovery journey for shoulder bursitis. Our experienced team is committed to your well-being, providing expert care at our clinics in Pooraka and Gawler or through convenient home visits. Start your journey to recovery with us today!

How We Can Help?

You can always BOOK ONLINE to see one of our experienced Physiotherapist or simply Call ProActive Life Physio to schedule a time that suits you.

We’ll help you find the right solution to alleviate your symptoms.