Osgood Schlatter’s Apophysitis Causes and Treatment

Understanding Osgood-Schlatter’s Apophysitis:


Osgood-Schlatter’s apophysitis, commonly known as growing pains in the knees, is a prevalent cause of knee discomfort in children and adolescents. First described in the 1890s, it refers to painful traction apophysitis of the tibial tuberosity, the bony prominence at the top of the shin bone.


The exact cause of Osgood-Schlatter’s apophysitis is still debated, but it is generally attributed to repetitive contractions of the powerful quadriceps muscle irritating the growth plate at the top of the tibia. The condition typically affects highly active youngsters engaged in regular sports, often emerging during growth spurts.


Symptoms manifest at the front of the knee and may include pain, swelling, and tenderness below the kneecap, specifically at the top of the shin bone. Physical activities like running, knee bending, squatting, kicking, and kneeling tend to aggravate symptoms. Recent studies suggest an equal prevalence in boys and girls.

Treatment Approaches:

Addressing modifiable risk factors such as training programs and soft tissue changes is crucial in treating Osgood-Schlatter’s apophysitis. Individualized treatment aims to alleviate painful symptoms and implement self-management strategies. Depending on the specific presentation and lower limb assessment results, the treatment plan may include:

  1. Isometric Strengthening and Stretching:

    Targeting the surrounding muscles to promote balance.
  2. Footwear Assessment:

    Ensuring proper shoe alignment to prevent symptom exacerbation.
  3. Technique Revision and Education:

    Reviewing warm-up, cool-down exercises, and offering tips to modify contributing factors.
  4. Custom Orthotics:

    Correcting alignment issues in the feet or legs contributing to knee pain.

Take proactive steps in managing Osgood-Schlatter’s apophysitis with an individualized treatment plan designed for your child’s well-being.

How We Can Help?

You can always BOOK ONLINE to see one of our experienced physiotherapists or simply Call ProActive Life Physio to schedule a time that suits you.

We’ll help you find the right solution to alleviate your symptoms.