Anterior Knee pain

Causes and Treatment

Explore the causes of anterior knee pain with a focus on patellofemoral pain syndrome (PFPS). PFPS involves pain at the front of the knee, extending around the knee or behind the kneecap. Often referred to as runner’s knee, it affects not only runners but anyone susceptible to its development.

Causes and Risk Factors:

PFPS is a broad term encompassing front knee pain, its precise cause not fully understood. It may result from the misalignment of the kneecap, hindering smooth movement during knee bending and straightening. Overuse, rapid exercise intensity escalation, poor lower limb alignment, muscle imbalance, hereditary factors, and gender (women are twice as likely to develop PFPS) contribute to the risk. Past knee injuries, surgeries, inappropriate footwear, changes in training surfaces, and poor training practices also heighten vulnerability.

Signs and Symptoms:

PFPS manifests gradually, intensifying during activities involving knee movement. Symptoms include pain around and below the kneecap, ranging from mild to sharp, stiffness, grinding sensations during knee movement, and discomfort after prolonged bent-knee positions.

Treatment and Prevention:

Our physiotherapy team specializes in PFPS and various knee pain causes. Thorough assessments distinguish PFPS from similar conditions like patellar tendonitis. By examining your foot and leg biomechanics, we identify contributing factors. Treatment focuses on symptom relief, addressing root causes, and implementing preventive measures. Custom foot orthotics, training adjustments, muscle stretching and strengthening, footwear assessments, bracing or strapping, and gait retraining may be part of the comprehensive approach.

Take the first step to pain relief and prevention with our expert physiotherapy care.


How We Can Help?

You can always BOOK ONLINE to see one of our experienced physiotherapists or simply Call ProActive Life Physio to schedule a time that suits you.

We’ll help you find the right solution to alleviate your symptoms.