Infant Massage for Constipation

Infant Massage for Constipation


Gentle Techniques to Relieve Infant Constipation: Massage, Leg Movements, and Bath Time Bliss”

Introduction: Infant constipation can be distressing for both babies and parents alike. Discover effective and natural ways to alleviate constipation in your little one without resorting to medications. Learn gentle techniques such as tummy massage, leg movements, and the soothing benefits of a warm bath.


Tummy Massage for Bowel Movement Facilitation:

Constipation often leads to discomfort during bowel movements. Explore conservative approaches to assist your baby by incorporating soothing tummy massages into your routine. Prioritize a warm and comfortable environment for the massage, using natural oils like grape seed or olive oil for skin-to-skin contact.

    • Ensure a warm room, especially if removing clothing.
    • Warm your hands and create a calming environment with familiar surroundings.
    • Use a small amount of baby oil or natural vegetable/fruit-based oil for the massage.
    • Demonstrate the process to your baby to establish a positive association.
    • Employ firm yet gentle pressure and monitor your baby’s comfort level throughout.

Three-Part Stroke Technique – “I Love You”:

Master the “I Love You” stroke, a three-part technique that aids in bowel stimulation. This technique involves clockwise motions and covers specific areas to target the bowel effectively.

    • Trace an “I” on the baby’s left side.
    • Draw an “L” across the top of the tummy, starting from the right side and ending on the left.
    • Form an upside-down “U” to complete the stroke.
    • Finish by stroking downward on the tummy.

Leg Cycling for Gentle Pressure:

If your baby isn’t receptive to massage, explore alternative methods such as leg cycling. This technique involves gently moving your baby’s legs in a cycling motion, stimulating stomach muscles and applying gentle pressure to encourage bowel movement.

    • Lay your baby on their back and hold their legs, moving them in a cycling motion.
    • This action engages stomach muscles and exerts gentle pressure on the intestines.

Relaxing Bath Time for Smooth Bowel Movements:

Capitalize on the relaxing benefits of a warm bath to ease constipation. Allow your baby to unwind in the water, creating an optimal environment for passing stools. Consider incorporating a gentle stomach massage during or after the bath.

    • A warm bath can help your baby relax, facilitating smoother bowel movements.
    • Optionally, perform a gentle stomach massage during or after the bath for added comfort.

Conclusion: Ease your baby’s constipation worries with these gentle and natural techniques. Whether it’s the comforting touch of a tummy massage, the rhythmic leg movements, or the relaxing bath time routine, these methods prioritize your baby’s well-being without the need for medications. Observe your baby’s responses and choose the approach that best suits their comfort level.

How We Can Help?

You can always BOOK ONLINE to see one of our experienced Physiotherapist or simply Call ProActive Life Physio to schedule a time that suits you.

We’ll help you find the right solution to alleviate your symptoms.