How To Fix Shoulder Pain During Bench Press.

How To Fix Shoulder Pain During Bench Press

Shoulder pain is a common issue among gym-goers, often stemming from factors like poor form, muscle imbalances, and overzealous training progressions. ProActive Life Physio, based in Brisbane, addresses this concern with three effective exercises recommended by their experienced physiotherapists.

Correcting Bench Press Shoulder Pain:

Learn how your posture during bench press can impact shoulder pain. ProActive Life Physio shares insights on avoiding internal rotation, impingement, and excessive stress on the rotator cuff muscles. Discover key techniques such as pulling shoulders back, maintaining mid-chest level push-ups, and monitoring elbow movement.

Bench Press Technique and Shoulder Health:

Explore the impact of incorrect bench press technique on shoulder health. ProActive Life Physio dispels concerns about bench pressing with insights into potential issues like impingement, instability, and rotator cuff injuries. Discover safer alternatives, such as using dumbbells instead of a barbell.

Preventing Bench Press Injuries: Rotator Cuff Exercises:

ProActive Life Physio emphasizes the importance of strengthening the rotator cuff muscles to prevent bench press injuries. Detailed instructions for two effective rotator cuff exercises using resistance bands and dumbbells are provided. Tips on starting with lower weights and warming up are also highlighted.

Recognizing Rotator Cuff Damage:

Learn about the causes of rotator cuff injuries, including sudden increases in exercise intensity and poor lifting techniques. ProActive Life Physio outlines potential symptoms such as shoulder pain, weakness, and the role of muscle tears. Seek professional assessment to determine the origin of shoulder pain.

Addressing Front Deltoid Pain during Bench Press:

ProActive Life Physio explains how benching with rounded shoulders can lead to anterior deltoid pain. Tips on optimizing shoulder blade position and addressing rotator cuff weakness are provided. The article also touches on bursitis and its connection to shoulder impingement.

6. Managing Shoulder Pain from Lifting:

Tailored management approaches are discussed based on contributing factors. ProActive Life Physio recommends a 6-week physiotherapy program for rotator cuff tears and outlines potential treatments, including soft tissue release, manual therapy, postural education, and exercises. Specific guidance for bursitis management is also provided.

Shoulder pain during bench press can be effectively managed with ProActive Life Physio’s expert insights. Consult with their physiotherapists for a personalized exercise program and ensure the safest form for your shoulders.