Referral Form & FAQs

Information for | GPNDIS and Home Care Package (HCP) Providers | Specialists | Hospitals | Professionals

How to Refer

Referrals are not required for our physiotherapy in-clinic or home-visit services. However, we also accept referrals from GPs, NDIS and HCP Providers, Specialist Doctors, Hospitals and other Professionals. Please call us on (08) 8359 8769 to discuss your circumstances with our team. We can advise if we can assist you or if we can point you in the right direction.

We are registered with all the major Private Health Insurance Funds for Extras rebates. You may also be eligible for Medicare rebates via a GP referral under the CDM program formerly known as the EPC program. Please refer to the CDM Services to find out more.

Methods Of Referral

self referral

Self Referral

Referrals can be made to (08) 8359 8768.
We accept referrals on your paperwork or alternatively download our PDF Referral Form (and please attach any additional relevant referral information). We will contact the patient or the best contact person as soon as possible.

Gp referral

GP & Health Professional

Doctors and Health Professionals can use their own referral paperwork or download our PDF Referral Form above.

NDIS referral

NDIS & HCP Providers

NDIS and HCP providers can use the PDF referral form above to refer clients for physio services.


Not at all – Referrals are not required for our physiotherapy clinic or home-visit services. However, we do require a referral if you are using the following systems to have your Physiotherapy and/or podiatry service paid for.

  1. Enhanced Primary Care (EPC) /Chronic Disease Management (CDM) referral – Referral from your GP
  2. Department of Veterans Affairs (DVA) referral – Referral from your GP
  3. Home Care Package (HCP) referral– Referral From your Home Care Package Providers
  4. National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS) referral– Referral from your support coordinator 

Yes- our physiotherapy services are available on Saturday and Sundays, with no additional costs. 

Yes- Rebates for podiatry and physiotherapy services are available through private health insurance, although the rebate provided depends on the type and level of cover. If you would like to estimate your out-of-pocket expenses, contact us for details of relevant item numbers for your needs. You can then check rebates with your private health insurer against these item numbers.

HICAPS is an electronic health claims and payments system, which offers members of participating health funds the convenience of automatic claims processing, on the spot in the clinic. The real benefit to patients is convenience. No more queuing at health fund branches and filling in claim forms. For more information on the HICAPS system see

YES- HICAPS facilities are available at ProActive Life Physio. 

Yes- We provide physiotherapy services to Department of Veterans’ Affairs (DVA) Card holders.
If you are a DVA Card holder, you will require a referral from a doctor or hospital discharge planner in order to access podiatry and physiotherapy. Some podiatry and physiotherapy services also require prior approval from DVA in order to be funded under this system, and there are specific restrictions that apply in certain circumstances.  However, in general if you are a DVA Gold Card holder, DVA will fund podiatry and physiotherapy services that are clinically needed.
If you are a DVA White Card holder, DVA will fund podiatry and physiotherapy services if required because of an accepted war caused or service related condition.

For more specific information about podiatry and physiotherapy services available through DVA, you may wish to access this factsheet published by the Department of Veterans’ Affairs.

Yes- We are more than happy to provide services to self-managed or plan-managed NDIS participants.

  1. NDIS number
  2. NDIS plan and start date
  3. Your contact details
  4. Name and contact details of the person providing Coordination of Supports (if you have one)
  5. A copy of the relevant part of your plan (contact us if you would like assistance)

*Contact the clinic for a copy of the Service Agreement to read*

“Physio” is a colloquial abbreviation for “physiotherapy.” Physiotherapy is a healthcare profession that involves the assessment, diagnosis, and treatment of various conditions and injuries through physical methods. These methods may include exercises, manual therapy, education, and the use of therapeutic modalities like heat, cold, or electrical stimulation.

Physiotherapists, also known as physical therapists in some regions, work with individuals of all ages to promote health and well-being, prevent injuries, and help manage and rehabilitate various physical conditions. They play a crucial role in restoring and maintaining optimal physical function and mobility.

A physiotherapist is not a medical doctor, but they are healthcare professionals with specialized training in physiotherapy or physical therapy. Physiotherapists hold a bachelor’s or master’s degree in physiotherapy, and their expertise lies in assessing and treating musculoskeletal, neurological, and other physical conditions using non-invasive and physical methods.

Physiotherapists often work collaboratively with doctors and other healthcare professionals as part of a multidisciplinary team to provide comprehensive care for patients.