Cupping Therapy

Discover the Therapeutic Wonders of Myofascial Cupping with ProActive Life Physio

Unraveling the Mysteries of Myofascial Cupping and Its Benefits

If you’re an avid sports enthusiast, you might have observed peculiar round red or purple spots on athletes, commonly appearing on their back or shoulder region. Ever wondered what that is? Well, those distinctive marks are the aftermath – the telltale signs of a Myofascial Cupping Session.

So, what exactly is myofascial cupping, and how does it work? More importantly, why do these cupping sessions leave behind those circular marks, and what benefits are associated with them?

Looking for “Cupping near me ” in Adelaide? Look no Further.

Myofascial cupping is a soft tissue therapy that employs decompressed cups on the skin, creating a vacuum effect that lifts underlying tissues like fascia (connective tissue), muscles, blood, and other fluids close to the skin’s surface. Applied to various areas such as the back, shoulders, neck, sacrum, hip, abdomen, legs, and arms, myofascial cupping is a versatile technique.

By employing massage techniques, areas of muscular restriction and tension are identified, and myofascial cupping techniques are then applied. This involves moving the cups in a gliding motion over the skin or leaving them on specific areas for short periods to reduce or eliminate adhesions or trigger points. Even when not left in place for an extended time, cupping therapy remains highly effective.

Unlock the Therapeutic Potential of Myofascial Cupping at ProActive Life Physio in Adelaide

Unlike traditional manual techniques that focus on compression, myofascial cupping creates suction, generating negative pressure or tensile stress. This process leads to capillary rupture, resulting in the distinctive reddish circles, commonly called ecchymosis or bruising. The lasting therapeutic effect of this phenomenon has been proven in scientific research studies, showing significant relief from chronic pain and an improvement in overall quality of life.

Myofascial cupping also influences the lymphatic system, aiding in toxin removal from muscle fibers and increasing blood flow. By reducing tension, pain, and tenderness, cupping contributes to improved range of movement and mobility. The technique directly addresses fascial adhesions, increases tissue temperature, and reduces tissue viscosity.

Embrace the Time-Tested Practice of Myofascial Cupping with ProActive Life Physio in Adelaide

Cupping, with its roots dating back to 300 B.C., has been a staple in both Eastern and Western health care practices. From ancient Egyptian times to Hippocrates in ancient Greece, cupping has evolved, with various materials such as bamboo, bronze, pottery, and glass cups being used. Today, ProActive Life Physio utilizes modern suction methods, integrating myofascial cupping with other remedial treatments like myofascial release, trigger point therapy, soft tissue release, and joint manipulation.

Explore the Therapeutic Benefits of Myofascial Cupping in Adelaide

Myofascial cupping boasts numerous therapeutic benefits, including:

  • Reduction in sympathetic nerve response and increased parasympathetic nerve response (relaxation effect on the body)
  • Passive stretching of soft tissues
  • Improved blood circulation, nourishing the skin
  • Increased tissue temperature
  • Reduction of tension and adhesion in tissues
  • Prevention of fibrosis (scarring) and correct alignment of collagen
  • Assistance in reducing localized inflammation and aiding recovery during the sub-acute phase of an injury
  • Lymph and cellular debris drainage
  • Hydration and blood flow to body tissues, softening tight muscles
  • Enhanced range of movement and flexibility in joints
  • Removal of lactic acid and metabolic waste stagnations, promoting healthy circulation and strengthening the immune system

Considerations for Myofascial Cupping at ProActive Life Physio in Adelaide

While myofascial cupping offers extensive benefits, there are contraindications to be aware of:

  • Malignant tumors
  • Acute musculoskeletal injury
  • Low blood pressure or other acute circulatory conditions
  • Diabetes and medication for blood thinning
  • Herniated and bulging discs
  • Extreme cold or flu
  • Acute rheumatoid arthritis
  • Healing fracture
  • Hypersensitivity of the skin
  • Aneurysm
  • Haematoma
  • Acute disease
  • High temperature
  • Deep vein thrombosis (DVT)
  • Infectious disease

How We Can Help?

You can always BOOK ONLINE to see one of our experienced physiotherapists or simply Call ProActive Life Physio to schedule a time that suits you.

We’ll help you find the right solution to alleviate your symptoms.